Any contractor whose services include the application of crop protection products and would like to be informed of, and connected with, beekeepers nearby their activities will find BeeConnected to be a valuable tool.

Contractors can use BeeConnected to register the time and location of crop protection activities they are planning, such as the spray application of pesticides. Contractors can find their field, by exploring nearby their current location or searching on GoogleMaps. Switching between street and satellite view makes it easier to find specific fields using nearby roads and geographical features.

If a contractor registers an activity within 5km of registered beehives, they will be notified, as will the beekeeper. The two parties can then exchange further details using the secure messaging system.

It is recommended that contractors consult with the landowner before using BeeConnected.

BeeConnected is optimized for Android and Apple smart phones. 

Click here to download BeeConnected for iPhone from the iTunes Store.

AppStore badge

Click here to download BeeConnected for Android from Google Play.

Googleplay badge

To register for the web-based version of BeeConnected, click "Register" on the top right-hand corner of the screen.